Tinker Bell
Mowgli's Bungalow is fully operational and the kitties are in and LOVING it! 10 new cats and kittens were brought in from the cold and the kittens that didn't get adopted this summer are growing into young adults with their new friends!
Ceasar and Mojo are busy keeping all eyes on the herd of kittens that have taken up rough housing and wrestling as their favorite activities. We thought Bowie might help the grandpas keep order- but he's as bad as the kittens!! Thankfully Pussy Willow and Golden Boy have stepped up as reinforcements! Every time a volunteer or visitor steps into The Bungalow, they are charged by a heard of kittens and their supervisors- it's quite an experience!
Soon The Bungalow will be giving a home to many more homeless northwoods kitties. What we thought were going to be 80 cats coming from one situation turned into over 150 cats! Once their 3 month holding period is over about 50 cats will be descending on Catkins and our two catteries! The next several months will be spent making sure that both the Bungalow and the Hideout will be ready for them!! In the meantime, here are some pictures of the kitties enjoying their new digs!
Persephone and Dinero
Playing Hide 'n' Seek
Pussy Willow and Aries
Getting Cozy